Week 13 - Ubuntu vs Fedora

Ubuntu vs Fedora

Linux is an open-source operating system that is based on UNIX. It was created by Finnish American student Linus Benedict Torvalds as a pet project in 1991 at the Helsinki University of Technology. Mr. Torvalds was inspired by Richard Stallman and wanted to make his own pet operating system. 

He learned how to create an operating system through Andrew Tanenbaum’s book on the subject which included its own personal Kernel called Minix. However, Minix only supported a 16-bit architecture which was going out of fashion and was not portable, furthermore, Minix’s license prevented it from being used in commercial products and made it only viable for educational pursuits. This was the reason that Mr. Torvalds set out to create his own kernel that could be used commercially and for free(FOSS).
Linux-based operating systems are now extremely popular with over 600 Linux distributions and over 411 million websites opting for Linux servers.

Ubuntu is by far the most popular Linux distribution and is the most user-friendly distro among the variety of mainstream and popular Linux distributions. Ubuntu which is managed by a UK firm known as Canonical is known for its robust and solid architecture with different versions for different types of usage, such as the desktop version for the average person, the server edition for uses such as cloud computing, and the core version for controlling robots/IoT.

Ubuntu is highly customisable, a lot of features can easily be moved around and replaced/customised if not considered suitable in its current form, for example, the desktop which at default is GNOME, but can be replaced with MATE or KDE as desired.

Ubuntu also has pretty low system requirements unlike other popular OS s requiring a minuscule 512 MB of RAM to actually run. Ubuntu also offers a great variety of free software in the Software Center like Discord, WhatsApp, Spotify, Skype, Atom, PyCharm, etc.

Ubuntu is also known for its amazing installer which is also one of the reasons that it is so popular and one of the main reasons for its popularity is its simple and straightforward approach to the idea of an operating software

Fedora is a Linux distribution developed by the Fedora project which is sponsored primarily by red hat. Like its cousin Ubuntu it is also free and open-source software, it places heavy emphasis on being “bleeding edge”.

GNOME and fedora work closely together and constantly bring new updates to the environment and since they work together it has often been said that Fedora is the best way to experience the GNOME desktop.
Fedora places a huge demand on being “bleeding edge”. What does this mean? Bleeding edge can be described as being on the forefront of new technology. Fedora is known for its constant updating as developers work around the clock improving the software and adding more features to the already feature-rich Fedora.

As far as my recommendations go, I would say that Ubuntu is more suited for beginners to computers and/or people who want to learn more about Linux because of its simplicity while Fedora is more suited for people who have to work with the latest version of software and those who prefer the bleeding edge of the developers working on Fedora.




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